A Warm Welcome to Melbourne Parish Council Website

Volunteer Needed

The village planter at the east end of the village (by the Melbourne name sign) is in urgent need of someone to maintain it. The work will be minimal and the Parish Council will buy any plants or material required. If you're interested in helping out please contact the Clerk Jane Stewart on 07557 345 204 or email melbournepc@yahoo.com.

Mylen Leah Solar Farm

Q&As put to Mylen Leah by Melbourne Parish Council are available here - Questions & Answers.

More information can be found on Mylen Leah's website - https://projects.statkraft.co.uk/mylen-leah-solar-farm/ including frequently asked questions, a map of the project proposals and a means of providing feedback.

Mylen Leah says it will be consulting more widely with local communities in 2025.

Next meeting of the Parish Council - Monday 10 March 2025

Agendas for meetings of the Parish Council can be found on the Agendas page of this website. They are available one week before the date of the meeting.

Minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council - 13 January 2025

The minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council can be found by clicking on the Minutes tab at the top of this page. Minutes are published around 7 days after the date of the meeting. 

Speeding in the village

The Parish Council made a freedom of information request to Safer Roads Humber recently and received information that between April 2022 and July 2023, the mobile speed van (which was only occasionally in the village) caught 108 people speeding in the 40mph to the west of the village. Please can everyone be careful when out and about as speeding cars equal greater danger to other road users and pedestrians and carry on watching your own speed as well. Many thanks.   

Melbourne SOS

If any resident feels that they need assistance due to ill health, immobility etc please contact number 07891 528626 and if we can we will help.

Emergency Plan

If you wish to see a copy of the parish emergency plan please contact the Clerk - see contact page for details.

Dog Fouling

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has a confidential Dog Warden Service. If you witness dog fouling please call 01482 396 301 to report it.

The service will need to know:
• the location of the dog fouling
• time and date of the incident
• name (and address if possible) of the dog owner and
• a description of the dog

You can also report issues online on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website:

Dog fouling and litter - East Riding of Yorkshire Council


To report incidents of flytipping please call East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 393939 or complete an online form at www.eastriding.gov.uk